Dexter Dalwood

Dexter Dalwood was born in Bristol, England, in 1960. He studied St. Martins School of Art, London from 1981 - 85 and then at the Royal College of Art, London, from 1988 - 89. Dexter Dalwood’s paintings and prints are collages of visual imagery from art history, personal memory and political and cultural events from the past. His work reinterprets the genre of History Painting for a contemporary audience.

Recent solo exhibitions include Centro de las Artes San Agustín, Oaxaca (2022); Museo Nacional de Arte (MUNAL), Mexico City (2021); Galerie Hubert Winter, Vienna (2017); Simon Lee Gallery, Hong Kong (2021, 2016); Simon Lee Gallery, London (2019, 2014); Centre Pasqu’Art, Biel, Switzerland (2013); David Risley Gallery, Copenhagen (2012); Nolan Judin Gallery, Berlin (2011); and a major retrospective at FRAC Champagne-Ardennes, CAC Malaga and Tate St Ives, for which Dalwood was nominated for the Turner Prize in 2010.

Recent group exhibitions include Museo Tamayo, Mexico City, Mexico (2023); A4 Arts Foundation, Cape Town, South Africa (2023); Centro de las Artes de San Agustín, Oaxaca, Mexico (2022); Museo Nacional de Arte (MUNAL), Mexico City, Mexico  (2022);  Tate Modern, London (2020); National Portrait Gallery, London, travelled to Grand Palais, Paris, Bundeskunsthalle, Bonn, and Espoo, Finland; National Museum Cardiff, Wales; Hamburger Bahnhof - Museum für Gegenwart, Berlin (2018); Manchester Art Gallery, Manchester; Somerset House, London; Imperial War Museum, London; Drawing Room, London (2017).

His work is held in various public collections including the British Council, London; Tate, London; Saatchi Gallery, London; Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester; Pallant House Gallery, Chichester; Hamburger Bahnhof-Museum für Gegenwart, Berlin; Trevi Flash Museum of Contemporary Art, Trevi; Champagne-Ardennes, Reims; and Centre PasquArt, Biel, Switzerland.

Dexter Dalwood lives and works in Mexico City. 

For a complete list of available works by Dexter Dalwood please contact


Dexter Dalwood in conversation with Nick Serota and Santiago Espinosa de los Monteros.

This talk coincided with Dalwood's show, entitled 'This doesn't belong to me ', at Museo Nacional de Arte INBA, Mexico. Recorded 25 January 2021.

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